VIDEO – Discover Vilnius city, Capital of Lithuania

Hotel Vilnius Europolis, with a help of VIlnius Tourism Informations Centre, presents of a VIDEO of Vilnius city, capital of Lithuania.

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A regular Vilnius city tours (on foot) till the 15th of September, 2010

Hotel in Vilnius & Tour operator in Lithuania EUROPOLIS recommends:

Discover Vilnius on your own, become acquainted with the city, see its most beautiful sites,  join the tour Discover Vilnius Old Town.

In 1994, the Vilnius Old Town was declared …

Back to USSR in Vilnius…

Hotel Vilnius Europolis recommends!

1984 in the Bunker (Back to the USSR)

Director – National Award Winner Jonas Vaitkus
Producer – Rūta Vanagaitė

A 3,000 m2  bunker in the outskirts of Vilnius 5 meters bellow ground.
The Bunker: a survival